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Single First Name Meaning

First Name Meaning with a choice of over 40 backgrounds
Meaning of your first name backgrounds

This will give you the meaning of a first name and list what the persons' characteristics are supposed to be.

Choose one of the designs below and then tell us the name you want printed and we will do the rest.

Size: 11.5 X 8.5 inches and can be bought with a choice of frames or unframed.

First Name Meaning with Cats and Flowers background

First Name Meaning with Cats and Flowers background

First Name Meaning with Cats and Flowers background This will give you the meaning of the name and ..

First Name Meaning with first kiss background

First Name Meaning with first kiss background

First Name Meaning with first kiss background This will give you the meaning of the name and show y..

First Name Meaning with Castle background

First Name Meaning with Castle background

First Name Meaning with Castle background This will give you the meaning of the name and show you w..

First Name Meaning with dogs background

First Name Meaning with dogs background

First Name Meaning with dogs background This will give you the meaning of the name and show you wha..

First Name Meaning with sunset background

First Name Meaning with sunset background

First Name Meaning with sunset background This will give you the meaning of the name and show you w..

First Name Meaning with Ballerina background

First Name Meaning with Ballerina background

First Name Meaning with Ballerina background This will give you the meaning of the name and show yo..

Showing 19 to 24 of 46 (8 Pages)


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